Selasa, 19 Januari 2021

나는 게은자나요



It’s been along from the last time I wrote the blog..

Im so great yorobun.. 😊

I did my best till the last, so I feel so great now..

Yeah of course because of Allah. Allah gives many blesses, great family and friends.. 고마워 (thank you)..😌

all the things that happened is a fate and those are the best for me..

In my point of view of course I feel like I’ve walked in the right path. And they have also their own thought that they’re in the right steps...🙂

So I learned it.. I learned from everything.. many things.


I wasted my time with some of wrong also fake friends before.. So, in my life I hope it won’t happen again. It was the worst time, friends, and treatment that I ever had. I don’t want to feel it anymore and I’ll never do that to everyone in this world..🙂 the situation was so weird, it’s hard to understand at that time 😬✌🏻

But I swear.. 

I don’t feel revenge.. or have other bad feeling, to everyone and everything. I really don’t want to do that, revenge or hate..

Seriously, because of that sorry.. I should keep the distance from those people..✌🏻

And It will be good to not see each other as we can.. or let’s pretend that we just know each other but not close at all..👋🏻

I also really want to say this before we do that.. Let’s walk in our own way.. If I have ever made you guys hurt, bad, or sad I ask your forgiveness for all faults.. let’s be better person..


제발요.. (Please)

Don’t compare me to others in this entire world😆 because Im too shining, shimmering, and splendid to be compared. Haha *kidding

I feel so much good, grateful with my life I mean... 😊

And about my achievement, some people give me a compliments like “waaah so great it’s such as “a proof” that you can be better than someone”, or they told me also that I can achieve something even without someone.. no Im not, in my life.. I do everything I want..

It’s not for showing up or another reason. Stop saying that guys..

I’m me... pokoknya 😊

I put my favorite words here also.. it’s also self reminder.. Me.. I’ll always be like those ants..

(I du no this picture cr. anyway, many people use this pic.. I found it by searching in Google, sorry and tell me if the pic is yours)


Kamis, 12 Desember 2019

H-3 dan H-2 😭

Karena nulisnya ga sanggup jadi double aja hhe
So hard.. perih, dan sakit.. Hari selasa seharian di kelas sama anak2.. buat frame bareng, bakal kangen masa-masa itu.. Mereka yang ga bisa lepas bikin pedih, toh tetap aja nantinya pasti mereka lupa.. tapi sedih aja.

Mulai dari selasa 10 Dec 2019 pun pamit sama grade 6 yang sudah 5 tahun bersama aku.. Hari ini tapi sedih banget sih, harus say good bye dengan mereka, juga grade 1C, kalau 1A udah nangis bersama berhari-hari 😁
I Lobe you Abby ♥️
Miss Sofi, Caca, Cahaya, Ika 💞
Al Jazari kuh 💞

Hari ini pisah sama kesayangan aku 1C, Ya Allah.. Semoga cinta dan rindu kita bisa jadi ajang saling menyaksikan berbuat kebaikan di akhirat nanti.. Inget miss ya anak-anak kuh.
1C nya akuh ♥️
Syakira, Ms Sofia, Aura 😘
Dimas.. my boy, yang selalu minta gendong kalau liat Ms.. (kalau kata Dimas, Ms pohon aku ya)
Mika kuh... 💞
Say good bye sama grade 6 tuh kayak say good bye sama temen.. bisa sambil curhat, nangis bareng Keeny sama Hana hari ini, ini pedih sekali. Even Sofi yg cuek itu Rabu ini datengin dan kesal-kesal sedih.. “issh kenapa sih Miss katanya mau keluar ya (sambil nendang2), Ms itu galak, tapi suaranya imut2, aku minta no HP nya 😭 (Bahkan sedihnya pun begitu 😁, Sofi kuuu)

Diintipin Dhany, bintang, sama Rahman minggu2 ini ke kelas.. Tambah bikin sesak..
Mata bengkak kita yang ga karuan 😊

Well, semoga ini menjadi keputusan-keputusan yang terbaik.. 

Dan malam ini di mesej Aas, gadis baik berhati mulia.. hehe Sebenernya tidak perlu kasih aku apa-apa.. aku hanya butuh sekali didoakan.. aku butuh doa agar aku kuat mengahadapi semua.. Terimakasih untuk semua yg sudah peduli.. 💞 Semoga Allah balas semua kebaikan kalian kalian dengan kebahagian..
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