Kamis, 31 Desember 2015
29 Dec 2015 Meet up Pancur an De m😍
Selasa, 29 Desember 2015
Happy birthday to me 28th Dec 2015
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.. 🙏🙏🙏 Thanks so much for this twenty-fourth Ar-rahman. Gave me so many things that I have learned in my 23th, about family, friendship, work, time, happiness, sadness, and love.. I have learned, I hope I wont ever do the same thing in the future. Thank you so much for giving me best parents, awesome sister, beautiful friendship, so great destiny, having good job, all the things till my 23 that was so wonderful God. Im so blessing 😊😊😊
Thank u for all wishes *hope all the wishes come true soon*,
Thanks for the gifts, I hope we all stay healthy, happy, religious, be better in our future.. Once again thank u so much!! happy 24 years old 😂😂😂
#28.12.2015 #bed.time
Selasa, 22 Desember 2015
Me, Happy and Proud being a teacher
Hi Be (blog) Jadi sekarang gw jadi tim PSB (Penerimaan Siswa Baru) deg deg an swear haha harus ketemu mama kritis, harus menghitung uang yg tidak sedikit. Bahaya kalau salah hitung 😝harus bisa marketing jadinya ya..
sebenernya waktu akan lulus kuliah siih cita-cita jadi CS gitu atau back office deh di bank. Wal hasil setelah lulus kekeuh banget daftar ke berbagai macam bank dan perusahaan 😂😂😂 baik online, ikut job fair (jadi inget salah satu temen ngejob fair T_T skrg dia kerja diperusahaan rokok gitu, ehm semoga sukses di sana) maupun langsung.. ya elah sudah banyak sekali fotocopy ijazah bertebaran pokoknya! then! zonk! :D karena background pendidikan guru jadi susye bgt.. gw menyerah! pada ahirnya gw pun nyebar lamaran kerja lagi tp ke sekolah2.. gw pasrah.. mungkin inilah takdir gw, mencerdaskan anak bangsa haha
Gw pun test.. sembari menunggu panggilan gw bantu2 ngajar di SD si mama. dan benar aja sebulan lamanya... gw dipanggil kemudian bersamaan ituh gw pun dapet email dari perusahaan yg tidak kecil, jadi perusahaan itu akan ngerekrut manager muda. Jd kalau bersedia gw harus dtg n ikut diskusi yg kemudian dari situ kita dikasih penilaian..ya gitu dh..
Gw pun bingung.. mengikuti mimpi gw yg mau kerja kantoran atau jadi bu guru..
YEAH! Gw pun memilih jadi bu guru pd waktu itu, I tried to be a good teacher.. it was so hard.. really hard.. jadi semua yg gw pelajarin dulu waktu nguliah yg kayaknya ga mungkin ada guru yg benar2 jd guru yg baik dan benar gitu tp.. the fact, here I learned so many things. Waa.. dan gw tambah ga pengen bgt jd guru haha but.. waktu pun berlalu.. gw mulai menemukan ritme.
Then pada suatu hari ada cobaan luar biasa utk gw.. dan itu sangat buat gw drop... drop bgt.. nget..nget..
Untuk diri gw ngobrol or curhat soal kesedihan atau smthing about boys di rumah itu tabu bgt.. jd gw yaaah.. cerita sm temen2 di sekolah.. beberapa ada yg care bgt.. beberapa ada jg yg suka bikin nangis lg haha .. but.. ditengah itu semua, ada something yg buat gw senang selalu, mrk buat gw smile sometimes, dan lupa utk beberapa saat dg masalah gw.. yes.. they are my hunny bunny sweety all of my students.. 😂😂😂 khususnya grade 1b.. especially utk my lovely boy Dimas.. thanKs for caring me, for hugs me, made me laugh.. thanks so much.. and now Im happy and proud being a teacher.. thank you kids..
Nb. Waktu nulis bagian Dimas terharu sekaligus lucu kl inget waktu itu. Every day he said "what happen ms sofi? Jgn nangis terus nanti sekolah kita banjir lhoh"
Telimikicih juga utk anak2 1b yg luar biasa nyenengin.. dika, abrar,akmal dll.. love ya..
--keefceh 20 Nov 2015 o5.00 pm--
Minggu, 13 Desember 2015
Flashdisk cover
Haha .. I cant do something like this actually, Im not creative at all, I cant sew.. haha but I try to make this..
Why I made this? Here is it, mmmh I really love my flashdisk, as I know that flashdisk, CD, DV, memory card are sensitive things, so I though that I need to cover my flashdisk..
Yesterday I went to the market and I saw this flanel, the colour so eye-catching. I like those colour so much, I just bought it.
This morning I thought about flashdisk cover again (becz I put my handphone with fd together in my pocket and my handphone cover got mark). Then, I try to make my flashdisk cover with the flanel.. Not really bad right? Haha
Waaa... I look like real women ya..haha
Daebak!! 😂😂😂
#anyway this fd is birthday gift from my best friend. It is so much mean for me because for the first time #mybestfriend seems like understand and know me so well. Thanks ya
Selasa, 01 Desember 2015
Thanks God
Alhamdulillah I got 4th place in writing short article competition... next time should be the 1st ah.. likes competition last year. KEEP FIGHTING!! 😅😅😅